digital art prints, ebooks, murals, videos, interactive projects


Susana Roque: Why we should talk about the JPEG in the arts

April 5, 2014
This article was written for the Georgia Straight at :

A JPEG doesn’t seem to represent art. At first, it seems like the JPEG is so insignificant that we should really laugh if anybody ever talks about it in an artistic setting. After all, isn’t it just a medium to transport our ideas from one place to another, a modern-day quipu with pixels acting as knots, transferring our art into the digital landscape. A JPEG sits in our desktop folders after all with many other JPEGs.

So, what’s in it?

The power to give more self-employment in the arts and feed society with much-needed creative knowledge to create what we know—at work and in our personal lives—in better ways. Potentially, it’s a new place for artists to distribute their work and ideas to many new people on the Internet.

At the moment, most of the art that is displayed in a JPEG is watermarked or created in a low resolution on the web. Artists can also save an image in an SWF instead so that it may not be reproduced without permission. At this moment, quite a bit of art on the Net is downloaded privately. Some of it is sold on different websites.

What would happen if artists were able to sell some art prints on the web as another way to promote and sell their work? Now, a “save as” or a “digital download” isn’t a loss of work, like it used to be for artists. Because of new website technology for artists such as Big Cartel, a JPEG can indeed bring more art to more specific niche audiences.

The gallery system and art fairs are not the only places to sell artwork. Everyone wants art. Not everyone can buy art for large amounts of money. Art has been seen as too expensive for “everyone”. I certainly do not think that art that sells for $3,500 at an art gallery is for everyone. It has a small niche of buyers, just as many online art websites have different buyers, such as on Etsy.

But, how many artists ask themselves, “What is it that the public really wants from me when making their work?” Not many. This is one of the problems in the arts. If you look at the statistics on the kind of art that sells in galleries or online, the results are not at all what you would expect. People pay for collages with animals, fantasy/fairy tale characters’ portraits, and a lot of inspirational words with flowers. This might be surprising since we are not usually taught to find an audience that will like and respond to what we do, with a marketing plan.

Should we cater to the audience online and their needs, if we can label them ? Isn’t that what we do in galleries ? Or, do we market the living daylights out of our art and create this need? Perhaps we need both.

One thing is for sure, in a traditional art market, only few artists benefit from very few buyers.

On the web, there seem to be very few artists and art pieces that sell when compared to how many are out there; however, there seems to be a lot more buyers. I do think that if we work together as art communities, it could be possible for artists to self-publish and sell some of their JPEGs as safe and legitimate downloads to many people, just the way posters and books are sold. The doors have already opened for this opportunity, so this is good news for artists and people who support us.


I drew on my sketchbook

March 14, 2014 be able to see myself
as if the pages had become mirrors
 that would gently show me
with the stroke of a pencil
what nobody else could.

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March 14, 2014

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at the intersection on 4th and Burrard Street

February 26, 2014

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persistent in between the pavement

February 26, 2014

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February 26, 2014

intersection: This picture is from a series of photographs that were taken on a seemingly "empty" lot in the intersection of Burrard and 4th street in Vancouver. I tried to find poetry and meaning along the edge of the wall of the building beside the lot, right along were the bushes were growing against. The picture is also influenced by abstract expressionism, arte povera and earth art.

This picture is at an intersection between the chaos and unrestricted growth in nature and the predictabil...

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Chai on the seawall

February 12, 2014

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almost february

January 29, 2014

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pillow book poems, sketches, writings, art

January 29, 2014
I would like to add  short poems and pieces of writing here with my pictures and sketches. Hopefully, you will like them. These ideas are taken from my sketchbook.

The pillow book is a movie where someone wrote about 4 lines of poem everyday to illustrate her life . I may have pieces of poetry here like this since I enjoy writing things about my day.

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January 29, 2014
engraved on the earth where different marks,
like symbols
as if they were mneumonic devices,
tapping into these parts of the forests,
like opening different stories,
I remembered the fresh air
and the brave hikes
and  conversations
concaved in to different parts of the earth
as if these places still had our imprints

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Welcome to my artist blog or my art journaling posts. I would like to show you pictures of my art and writings as I make it.

I am interested in everything about visual art: art, drawings, paintings, photography, sculptures, videos and interactive ebooks. 

My art projects are at Sketchbook Communications. (video)


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