digital art prints, ebooks, murals, videos, interactive projects


a faint memory of Arbutus Street

May 3, 2014



May 3, 2014

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May 2, 2014

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Papier Mâché

May 2, 2014
The life that supports our breath, one after the other, is brilliant. It leaves masterpies in abundance. This creative symphony which is moving everywhere without a trace is backed up by an imagination which teaches us to love and care for what we see and enjoy it. It leaves its memories, on the surface of the earth, in the spirit of play.

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The View

May 2, 2014

 I am hoping to find a front row view
 as the formations of dirt
and the particles in the air
settle in their timely yet unpredictable matter
into a form
with the self-determined conviction of
all that is new

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April 30, 2014

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an unperceived order

April 30, 2014

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April 30, 2014

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more cherry blossoms

April 30, 2014

I have been downloading more pictures from the cherry blossom trees. They seem to be so different from one area of the city to another. Here is a new one.
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The Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival

April 27, 2014

I wanted to share some of the pictures that I took of the Cherry Blossom Festival in Vancouver this year. The trees
were lit up with lanterns so it was nice to take pictures there.

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Welcome to my artist blog or my art journaling posts. I would like to show you pictures of my art and writings as I make it.

I am interested in everything about visual art: art, drawings, paintings, photography, sculptures, videos and interactive ebooks. 

My art projects are at Sketchbook Communications. (video)


Youtube Art Videos

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 My art print installations are also at :