digital art prints, ebooks, murals, videos, interactive projects


grass, twigs and dirt remembered

September 18, 2014


Underwater (Deep Cove)

September 18, 2014

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September 17, 2014

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Under the Water at Deep Cove

September 17, 2014

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by the bench (Deep Cove)

September 17, 2014

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By the water at Deep Cove

September 17, 2014

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Agape II

September 13, 2014

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x ray

September 13, 2014


(...friend's baby moving in the womb)


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Out of focus

September 13, 2014


was that imperfect moment of indecison, 
just a forgotten possibility
- a perhaps, if and a maybe-
underneath the log and in between the twigs
that tumbled in my mind as an impression

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Into the fall

September 12, 2014

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Welcome to my artist blog or my art journaling posts. I would like to show you pictures of my art and writings as I make it.

I am interested in everything about visual art: art, drawings, paintings, photography, sculptures, videos and interactive ebooks. 

My art projects are at Sketchbook Communications. (video)


Youtube Art Videos

Information about Sketchbook Communications

List of Art Books






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 My art print installations are also at :